so there is this new thing called everyone is obsessed with it. out of nowhere people are yearbooking themselves and putting their pictures on facebook. some people have even created albums solely devoted to their own yearbookyourself pictures. even Carlos has dabbled in the fad. I don't know where this craze
came from, or who found out about, but it is invading the facebook world. for a long time I stayed away. for a long time I tried to resist uploading my picture and planting my face on some old photo. but I gave in. I had to see what I would look like. but I will never post these pictures on facebook...they shall forever remain here. on my blog.
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
8 years ago
I would like you to know that the music player on your blog nearly gave me a heart attack. So loud!
Also, I love you.
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